Terms of use and privacy policy

The Fydrop application is owned by the company Bitforone (Nunes Support and Systems Development - LTDA).

Terms of use

Here you are free! But it has to follow the law and promote the general good. The dissemination of the following content is extremely prohibited: pedophilia, any type of sexualization of children, explicit pornography, racism or any other type of crime.

Privacy Policy

The Fydrop app does not collect user identifying data, only photos, videos and texts provided by the user for publication and also access to the user's location in the foreground and background. will not be shared with third parties or other users. We follow the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) law L13709, in force in Brazil. Link to the law https://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2015-2018/2018/lei/l13709.htm